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Written Question: Convicted Rioters - Abode

Lord Moylan

Lord Moylan:  To ask His Majesty's Government how many of those convicted to date in connection with rioting in early August (1) were of no fixed abode, and (2) lived within five miles of the scene of the rioting in connection with which they were arrested.


Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice (Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede): HMCTS has worked with the judiciary since the disorder in the summer to bring the rioters to justice. As of 3 October, a total of 819 defendants have been received by the courts in connection with public disorder, 493 have had a final outcome, of which 388 received an immediate custodial sentence. Data relating to the cases started in connection with public disorder comes from a bespoke data feed which does not include information on defendant home address and location of the offence. To obtain this information would involve a disproportionate cost as it would involve checking individual case files.


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